Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms, children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process. Children work in groups and individually to discover and explore knowledge of the world and to develop their maximum potential.
We at Little Village Montessori are united in our belief that all children have the power to learn, are curious and creative, and can succeed!
No two students have exactly the same skills or learning style. That's why we create an individual learning plan for every child. Your Child's plan will combine direct instruction, small group work, and one-on-one tutoring in a way that works best for your child.
Sellwood Location
7126 SE Milwaukie Ave.
Portland, OR 97202
Phone: (503) 567-9436
Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 6:00pm
enables the child to order, classify, and describe sensory impressions in relation to length, width, mass, color, etc.
language arts
includes oral language development, written expression, reading, grammar, and children's literature.
cultural activities
expose the child to basics in geography, history, and life sciences. Music, art, and movement education are part of the integrated cultural curriculum.
about montessori
These are your child's most formative years.
Give them the opportunity for their best future.
makes use of manipulative materials to enable the child to internalize concepts of number, symbol, sequence, operations, and memorization of basic facts.
enhances the development of task organization and cognitive order through care of self, care of environment, exercises of grace and courtesy, and coordination of physical movement.